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Welcome to Mrs. Weber's Art Class website!  Thanks for checking things out!

Course Description and Expectations:

What to expect:  In Art Class this year students should be ready and prepared everyday to learn about art and to have fun! Students will be creating lots of different and exciting projects this year, with many different materials and mediums, and learning about a variety of different artists and art styles.  Students will explore and discover the Elements of Art, and will create a portfolio of works that they will be able to take with them when the semester is over.    


What to bring:  The most important thing to bring with you to Art everyday is a positive attitude!  Art will be both fun and challenging, and it is always important to choose a positive attitude when accepting new challenges.  


How students will be evaluated:  All art projects will be planned and implemented with the Essential Learning Targets for Middle School Art in mind and students will be scored accordingly.  

Students will also be evaluated on at least a weekly basis on their Habits of Work:

Preparation for learning:  Are you ready for class?  Are you ready to listen to directions, the daily agenda, or any other learning objectives?  

Engagement with learning:  Are you using your best effort with whatever the task may be- listening to directions, paying attention to a demonstration, or working on a project?  Do you ask questions when you don’t understand something or raise your hand to offer answers when asked to participate?  

Interactions with peers and teachers:  Are you communicating with your peers in a kind and respectful way? Are you being respectful when communicating with Mrs. Weber?  Are you being respectful of the art room?  Are you helping to make sure that supplies, materials, sinks, desks, counters, and floors are put away or cleaned?  

The Wildcat Way:  Students are also expected to be Kind, Respectful, Responsible, and Safe in the art room each day


Please contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.  I am excited to be working with your students and I am looking forward to an awesome school year!  Thanks!


Sanda Weber

773-5629 x3446




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